HomeProduct and ServicesSusu AccountWoforo Dua Pa

Woforo Dua Pa


  • GHS 10 minimum operating balance Initial and minimum account operating balance of GHS30.
  • No monthly charges
  • SMS Notification(¢1 Monthly Charge  for Activation )
  • Passbook Issued


  1. Account opening form duly filled
  2. 2 passport-sized pictures,(name & signature on reverse)
  3. Age requirement: Minimum 18 years old
  4. A valid national ID &Tin certificate (Passport/ Driver’s license/Voter’s ID/NIA card/SSNIT card)
  5. Residence permit & non-citizen card (where applicable)
  6. Employer introductory letter (where applicable)
  7. Utility bill (not older than six months)
  8. Mandatory initial deposit


  • Ease of accessing cash
  • An Agent Dedicator to you by  the Bank to collect Daily susu contributions at your workplace