This facility is granted to salaried account holders, Non salaried account holders, businessmen and women, agricultural venture, and Funeral Rites Cheifs who want to get a Loan and divided in Various Loan Products as follows
Salary Loans: This credit facility is granted to salaried account holders who receive their salaries through the bank monthly.
PSELF Loans: Asakyam PSELF Loans are loans given to Controller and Accountant General(CAG) Salary workers who do not Save or Run Salary Accounts with the bank. The Rate is 35% per annum and 1% percent of insurance on Loan Amount Granted.
Trading/Commercial Loan:This is a business loan facility targeted at account holders such as individuals, corporate bodies, and enterprises to support activities.
Agricultural Loans: The loans are extended to person who engage in productive agricultural ventures to enable them to finance their activities. The facility is also aimed at contributing to the achievement of the national goals of security.
Funeral Loans /Abusuapanin Anidaso:This facility is designed to enable account holders/non-account holders to have access to funds when bereaved to perform funeral rites.