HomeProduct and ServicesCurrent Account

Current Account


  • GHS 10 minimum operating balance Initial and minimum account operating balance of GHS100.
  • No monthly charges
  • SMS Notification(¢1 Monthly Charge  for Activation )
  • Cheques book Issued


  1. Account opening form duly filled
  2. 2 passport-sized pictures,(name & signature on reverse)
  3. Age requirement: Minimum 18 years old
  4. A valid national ID &Tin certificate (Passport/ Driver’s licence /Voter’s ID/NIA card/SSNIT card)
  5. Residence permit & non-citizen card (where applicable)
  6. Employer introductory letter (where applicable)
  7. Utility bill (not older than six months)
  8. Mandatory initial deposit


  • Ease of accessing cash
  • Competitive interest rate
  • No restriction on withdrawals
  • Ease of making payments to third parties Account10

Contact Us?

Feel free to get in touch with any enquiries and one of our friendly members of staff will get back to you as soon as possible, and remember, we want to hear from you!

We are committed to great customer experience. Kindly contact any of our branches or call us for your financial needs

Asante Akyem Rural Bank HQ

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